Great Stuff: Biofreeze


BIOFREEZE | Can’t do without it

Here’s why Biofreeze is Great Stuff: pain relief.

I was in a car accident in college and have had neck problems ever since. I see a chiropractor once a month or so for an adjustment to keep my neck “unlocked,” but the muscle pain is still, after all these years, a constant, though minor, bothersome companion. Nothing makes it go away like Biofreeze. Not BenGay, not Icy Hot, nothing… A few years ago, I was in a meeting and as an ice-breaker, we were asked what material item we couldn’t live without…for me, that was easy: Biofreeze. I keep tubes all over the house and in my desk at work, and I keep the small “sample” packets in my car.

The only place I’ve seen Biofreeze for sale locally (besides a doctor’s office) is at Medince Park Pharmacy off Carthage Street in Sanford…

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